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    Chương trình học Tiếng Anh tháng 8/2019- lớp Bub2, Baby 3 và Baby 2

    Ngày đăng : 14:34:46 02-08-2019
    Weeks Review New Lessons Sentences Activities Songs & Ryhmes
    1   Vocab: Season, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, Hot, Cold
    What season is it?
    It is_________

    Is it spring/winter?                                                                     Yes, it is. No, it isn't.                                                           
    Introduction: 1. Seasons vocabulary (flashcards)                                                                  Practice: 1. Microphone game + Magic eye                                                   Listening: 2. Flashcard safari 2. Fetch it (in groups)                                                                    Speaking: 2 Slow reveal How's The Weather? | Super Simple Songs

    2   Vocab: Sunny, Rainy, Windy, Snowy, Cloudy

    Math: behind and in front of
    How's the weather ?
    It is______.

    What is the weather like in Vietnam?

    Introduction: 1 Weather vocabulary (flashcards) 2 Behind and in front of (using a cloud and the sun) and Check on the plant growing from the seed                                                                          Practice: 1  Say it high, say it low game 2 Pass and say it (passing a cloud and the sun in the opposite positions)                              Listening: 1  Sit down if you hold 2 Find first and win                                                                       Speaking: 2 Catch a ball and answer questions                                      How's The Weather? | Super Simple Songs

    3   Vocab: thunder, lightning, rainbow,  Cool, Warm
    Math: above and under

    Is it thunder/ lightning/ rainbow?
    Yes, it is/ No, it isn't.

    Do you like thunder/rainbow...?
    Yes, I do. No, I don't.

    Introduction 1: Weather vocabulary 2 Above and under (using a cloud and the sun)            Practice: 1 Catch a ball and say 2 Pass and say it (passing a cloud and the sun in the opposite positions)                                                Listening: 1 Flashcard safari  2 Yes/No game                                                                         Speaking:  1 Slow/quick reveal                                     2 Under the bridge                                 Activities:  How's The Weather? | Super Simple Songs

    What Time Is It? Song for Kids | Preschool, Kindergarten, Learn English Children




    1 Say the word and keep the card team game (place the all the flashcards on table, let each S in the team come to the table and take any card he/she can name, at the end count the cards and announce the winner team)                                                           2 Stepping stones How's The Weather? | Super Simple Songs


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