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    Chương trình tiếng anh tháng 7/2022 - Leaf 1, 2

    Ngày đăng : 17:54:29 29-06-2022
    WEEK New Lesson Language To Use  Activities Song/Rhythm
    1 Vocabs
    New lesson:
    game, marble, boat, card, puppet, rocket, clown, chess
    1) What is this? It's a boat
    2) What color is the boat? It's red and black
    3) How many boats do you see? 5 boats
    4) Do you like the boat ? Yes,I do/ No, I don't
    5) Show me the boat
    6) Where is the boat? / Is it here?
    7) Can you find the boat?
    8) What toy do you like on your birthday?

    Presentation: talk about favorite toys
    Hello, everyone. my name is ........ I'm ..... years old. I am a student. Today i go to the shop. I see toy. My favorite toy is car. I have 5 toy cars at home. I play with car everyday. Thanks for listening.
    This is some activities and games teachers may use in the class:
    - Musical chair: the teacher prepares music and a ball. When the teacher plays the music, the kids will pass the ball around. When it stops, the kid who is holding the ball have to answer the questions
    - Flashcards jumping: put the flashcards on the floor and invite 2 or 3 studs to come and play. The teacher will shout the word and students jump on that flashcard
    - Flashcards and sticky ball: the teacher spreads the flashcards on the floor and uses the sticky ball to throw at one of them. Then the teacher will ask the stud the question
    - Missing flashcards
    - Gesture: the stud will receive a flashcard and he or she can only use the body language to express the word
    - Coloring: in some lessons, teachers need to prepare some pictures that relates to that day's topic for the stud to color
    - Teachers can teach the studs some simple songs
    Song: What is it?
    Learn 40 - 45

    2 Vocabs:
    New lesson:
    balloon, jet, truck, dice, pyramid, puzzle, blocks, rubic cube
    1) What is this? It's a boat
    2) What color is the boat? It's red and black
    3) How many boats do you see? 5 boats
    4) Do you like the boat ? Yes,I do/ No, I don't
    5) Show me the boat
    6) Where is the boat? / Is it here?
    7) Can you find the boat?
    8) What toy do you like on your birthday?

    Presentation: talk about favorite toys
    Hello, everyone. my name is ........ I'm ..... years old. I am a student. Today i go to the shop. I see toy. My favorite toy is car. I have 5 toy cars at home. I play with car everyday. Thanks for listening.
    Able to count forward and backward numbers from 40 - 45
    Identify "jet" and "plane"
    3 Vocabs:
    New lesson:
    beach umbrella, slippers, go swimming, sand castle, sunscreen, flippers, sunglasses, life jacket, deck chair, canoe
    Teacher can orgarnize his/her own way to teach
    Objectives: Kids will be able to recognize things and activities at the beach

    1) What is this? It is a beach ball.
    2) Are they shells or flip-flops? They are shells.
    3) Can you make a sand castle? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
    4) How many shells are there? There are 4 shells.
    5) What color is the beach ball? It is green

    Presentation: talk about favorite toys
    Hello, everyone. my name is ........ I'm ..... years old. I am a student. Today i go to the shop. I see toy. My favorite toy is car. I have 5 toy cars at home. I play with car everyday. Thanks for listening.
    Days of the week (Monday to Sunday)
    Make a paper plane
    In the test of July, students will have to present, identify and describe kinds of Toys.
    Presentation: Talk about your favorite toys.
    Please create your own style of test so that they can be able to perform their ability within their skills.

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