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    Chương trình học Tiếng Anh tháng 8/2019- lớp Leaf

    Ngày đăng : 14:33:24 02-08-2019
    Weeks Review New Lessons Sentences Activities Songs & Ryhmes
    1   Vocab: Season, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, Weather, Hot, Cold
    Math: watch, clock
    What time is  it? It's 9 o'clock.
    How does a plant grow from a seed?
    Ss  sun   soap   sock
    Tt  Turtle    tiger    teacher
    Uu umbrella   up   uncle

    How many seasons are there in a year? - There are 4 seasons in a year.

    What season is it?
    It is_________

    What season do you like the best?/ What is your favourite season?
    I like sping/ summer/ Autumn, Winter.

    Which do you like better, hot or cold weather?
    I like_______

    What time is it?

    Is it 1 o'clock?
    Yes, it is/ No, it isn't.
    Introduction: Mon Seasons vocabulary (flashcards) Tue Time (handmade clock) Wed How does a plant grow from a seed? (picture, plant the seed) + Phonics Ss Thu Phonics Tt Fri Phonics Uu                          Practice: Mon Microphone game + Magic eye Tue Say the time looking at the clock (alarm clock sound when changing time) Wed Match clothes with the season Wed-Fri Phonics chanting                                                         Listening: Tue Flashcard safari Wed Point the clock which shows 5/2/etc. o'clock Thu Yes/No game  Fri Fetch a word starting with S, T, U (in groups)                                                          Speaking: Thu Slow reveal Fri Obstacle course (answer questions)                                          Activities: Mon Sping coloring activity Tue Winter coloring activity Wed Phonics Ss worksheet Thu Phonics Tt worksheet Fri Phonics Uu worksheet How's The Weather? | Super Simple Songs

    What Time Is It? Song for Kids | Preschool, Kindergarten, Learn English Children
    2   Vocab: Sunny, Rainy, Windy, Snowy, Cloudy, Stormy, Cool, Warm

    Math:  behind and in front of
    Science: How a plant grows from a seed (continune)?
    Vv  van   vet    violin
    Ww  wolf  water  watch
    Xx   fox  box   six
    How's the weather?
    It is______.

    What's the weather like today?
    It is_____.

    Do you like snowy/ Cloudy/
    Yes, I do. No, I don't.

    What is the weather like in Vietnam?

    Does it rain much in Ho Chi Minh?
    Yes, it does/ No, it doesn't.

    What is your favorite kind of weather?
    My favorite kind of weather is______
    Introduction: Mon Weather vocabulary (flashcards) Tue Behind and in front of (using a cloud and the sun) and Check on the plant growing from the seed   Wed Phonics Vv Thu Phonics Ww Fri Phonics Xx                                                                        Practice: Mon  Say it high, say it low game Tue Pass and say it (passing a cloud and the sun in the opposite positions) Wed practice answering questions Wed-Fri Phonics hanting                                       Listening: Mon  Sit down if you hold Tue Fetch it (in groups) Wed Find first and win Thu Yes/No game (clap hands for yes, stomp feet for no) Fri Find a word starting with V, W, X and catch it with a yo-yo                                                        Speaking: Thu S holds a flashcard hidden from other students and goes around asking How's the weather? The winner is the one who says the same weather as on the flashcard Fri Catch a ball and answer questions                                                   Activities: Mon Match and color activity My Little Island 2,p.68 Tue Dress for the Weather worksheet My Little Island 2, p.74 Wed Phonics Vv worksheet Thu Phonics Ww worksheet Fri Phonics Xx worksheet  
    3 inside and outside Vocab: flood, fog, thunder, lightning, rainbow
    Math: above and below
    Science: roots, trunk, branch, leaf, flower, fruit
    Learn the parts of the tree
    Yy  yo-yo  yogurt  yacht
    Zz  zero  zoo   zebra

    Is it flood/fog/ thunder/ lightning/ rainbow?
    Yes, it is/ No, it isn't.

    Do you like flood/fog/ thunder...?
    Yes, I do. No, I don't.

    What can you see/hear/touch?                                                 I can see rainbow, fog and lightning. I can hear thunder. I can touch flood.

    Can you see a thunder/touch a rainbow?                 Yes, I can. No, I can't.

    Is it roots/ trunk/branch/ leave/ flower/ fruit?
    Yes, it is/ No, it isn't.
    Introduction Mon: Weather vocabulary Tue Above and below (using a cloud and the sun) Wed Parts of tree Thu Phonics Yy Fri Phonics Zz                        Practice: Mon Catch a ball and say Tue Pass and say it (passing a cloud and the sun in the opposite positions) Wed Say it low and sit down for roots, higher for trunk, branch, leaf, flower and the highest and stand up for fruit Thu-Fri Phonics chanting        Listening: Mon Flashcard safari Tue Numbers on flashcards (Where is a rainbow? Under number 4) Wed Yes/No game Fri Fetch words starting with Y, Z                                                                          Speaking: Thu Under the bridge Fri Slow/quick reveal                                                                      Activities: Mon Rainbow color clay activity Tue Above and below worksheet Wed Parts of tree drawing activity Thu Phonics Yy worksheet Fri Phonics Zz worksheet  




    Mon Say the word and keep the card team game (place the all the flashcards on table, let each S in the team come to the table and take any card he/she can name, at the end count the cards and announce the winner team)                                                           Tue Stepping stones  

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