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    Chương trình tiếng Anh tháng 12/2019- Lớp Bub 1

    Ngày đăng : 10:00:23 08-12-2019
    WEEK New Lesson Language To Use  Activities Song/Rhythm
    1 Vocabs: nurse,  pilot, vet, chef 1) Who is he/she? nurse.
    2) What number is it?  ____
    3) What shape is it? square
    4) What color is the square? red

    Remember to teach them how to say their name and greetings
    This is some activities and games teachers may use in the class:
    - Musical chair: the teacher prepares music and a ball. When the teacher plays the music, the kids will pass the ball around. When it stops, the kid who is holding the ball have to answer the questions
    - Flashcards jumping: put the flashcards on the floor and invite 2 or 3 studs to come and play. The teacher will shout the word and students jump on that flashcard
    - Flashcards and sticky ball: the teacher spreads the flashcards on the floor and uses the sticky ball to throw at one of them. Then the teacher will ask the stud the question
    - Missing flashcards
    - Gesture: the stud will receive a flashcard and he or she can only use the body language to express the word
    - Coloring: in some lessons, teachers need to prepare some pictures that relates to that day's topic for the stud to color
    - Teachers can teach the studs some simple songs
    Math: Numbers 1-5 
    Shape: square 
    Colors: red, black, white
    2 Vocabs: doctor, dentist, singer, teacher 1) Who is he/she?  nurse.
    2) What number is it? It's number ____
    3) What shape is it? It's a square
    4) What color is the square? It's blue

    Remember to teach them how to say their name and greetings
    Math: Numbers 1-5
    Shape:  square
    Colors: blue, yellow, orange
    3 Vocabs: Santa claus, Christmas tree,  snowman, present 1) Who is he/she? He/she is a nurse.
    2) What number is it? It's number ____
    3) What shape is it? It's a square
    4) What color is the square? It's green

    Remember to teach them how to say their name and greetings
    Shape: square 
    Colors: purple, gray, green

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