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    English Kindergarten Curriculum May(Class: Bud )

    Ngày đăng : 08:29:57 04-05-2018
    Weeks Day Review New Lessons Sentences Activities
    1 Monday OFF (Liberation Day)
    Tuesday OFF (International Workers' Day)
    Wednesday   Event of month: Mother's Day
    Taste,  sweet, sour, spicy, salty, bitter, yummy
    What is its taste?
    It taste_____
    Mother day activity is colouring in a mothers day card, and making and decorating a pasta necklace. review of bitter taste foods with flash cards. review of other foods with flash cards using bell to hover over the correct answer.
    Thursday Taste,  sweet, sour, spicy, salty, bitter, yummy Review with different materials Do you like sweet food?
    Yes, I do/ No, I don't
    flash card activity with sweet foods. play stand up and sit down when i call out foods, the students sit if they do not like and stand if they do. boy vs girls race to complete the card game, students have a selection of cards and they have to sort into basic catergories of the different foods, pictures of salty/bitter/sour foods. outdoor activity is find the fruits in the playground.
    Friday Taste,  sweet, sour, spicy, salty, bitter, yummy Review with different materials Review quick review of the catergories of foods and then play "blindfolded" each student holds the food items, smells touches and taste. they are then blind folded and then asked to name each item. differnt foods are brought in salty, bitter, spicy..
    2 Monday Taste,  sweet, sour, spicy, salty, bitter, yummy Review with different materials What is its taste?
    It taste_____
    review of the taste foods with flash cards. review of other foods with flash cards using bell to hover over the correct answer.
    Tuesday Taste,  sweet, sour, spicy, salty, bitter, yummy Review with different materials What is its taste?
    It taste_____

    Games: Pass
    Sit the sts with T in a circle.  T holds up an object or flashcard and says its name T passes it on to the next sts who also says its name and passes it on to the next sts:change directions, speed rounds, change objects
    Wednesday Taste,  sweet, sour, spicy, salty, bitter, yummy Review with different materials
    Do you like sweet food?
    Yes, I do/ No, I don't
    Prepare the plastic fruits and ask sts to choose the sweet ones or the sour ones.
    Thursday Taste,  sweet, sour, spicy, salty, bitter, yummy Review with different materials
    Do you like sweet food?
    Yes, I do/ No, I don't
    flash card activity with sweet foods. play stand up and sit down when i call out foods, the students sit if they do not like and stand if they do. boy vs girls race to complete the card game, students have a selection of cards and they have to sort into basic catergories of the different foods, pictures of salty/bitter/sour foods. outdoor activity is find the fruits in the playground.
    Friday Taste,  sweet, sour, spicy, salty, bitter, yummy Review Review quick review of the catergories of foods and then play "blindfolded" each student holds the food items, smells touches and taste. they are then blind folded and then asked to name each item. differnt foods are brought in salty, bitter, spicy..
    3 Monday   sight, touch, taste, smell, hearing Can you see the flowers?
    Yes, I can/ No, I can't
    flash cards of flowers, point out the flower in the pictures, show the process of a flower from seed to flower, the students will plant their own flower and watch it grow through out the week.
    Tuesday sight, touch, taste, smell, hearing Review with different materials Can you touch the flowers?
    Yes, I can/ No, I can't
    outdoor activity of finding the flowers in the garden. the children get to hold flowers and smell them, the students will then get to make a picture using pva and leafs and pressed flowers.
    Wednesday sight, touch, taste, smell, hearing Review with different materials Can you taste the flowers?
    Yes, I can/ No, I can't
    Thursday sight, touch, taste, smell, hearing Review with different materials Can you smell the flowers?
    Yes, I can/ No, I can't
    selection of flowers and fake flowers, each student has to say wherther they can smell the flowers or if they can not. flash card activity of under the bridge, students need to crawl under the bridge and turn over flash cards on the other side and tell me if they are a scented object or not.
    Friday sight, touch, taste, smell, hearing Review with different materials Review boys vs girls game show game, using flash cards the teams have to answer the questions , team with most points wins. musical chairs, students with no seat has to answer a question. check on the progress of the flowers planted earlier.
    4 Monday   eyes, hands, tongue, nose, ears What is it?
    It is____
    Flash card activity first learning.ring the bell activity. and then play find the flashcard where the students have to run to the correct card that teacher is shouting out. teacher sits in a circle with students and everbdy watches and repeats. i touch with my hands, using hand gestures,i smell with my nose, point to my nose..the students are then given a body part and when teacher shouts out they have to swap seats.
    Tuesday eyes, hands, tongue, nose, ears Review with different materials I see with my___
    I touch with my____
    I taste with my____
    I smell with my____
    I hear with my_____
    sitting in a circle everybody watches teacher and repeats the sentences whilst touching parts of the face, then tick tick boom game with the ball, who ever the ball booms on has to answer a question. handing out different objects in a circle we feel different textured objects.
    Wednesday eyes, hands, tongue, nose, ears Review with different materials I see with my___
    I touch with my____
    I taste with my____
    I smell with my____
    I hear with my_____
    jump through the hoop, there are three hoops each students has to jump through to get to the flash cards, at the end there is 3 flash cards turned upside down the student has to turn one up and say what it is and what you do with it. next activity is  where the students have to smell some items e.g flowers, lemon. and have to say i smell flowers, i smel lemon.
    Thursday eyes, hands, tongue, nose, ears Review with different materials I see with my___
    I touch with my____
    I taste with my____
    I smell with my____
    I hear with my_____
    what am i doing activity, using different sounds like clapping, clicking and whistling the students tell me what they hear, playing a twist version of traffic lights game  make a sound and they have to do different actions, claping is run, clicking is stop, and whlstling is sit down. puppet show, can you see me?
    Friday eyes, hands, tongue, nose, ears Review with different materials Review game show, boys vs girls, dinger and the bell. each team win points for the correct answers, teacher does actions or sounds and the students need to tell me what it is, can they hear or see?  find me activity, the students need to find me an item that i call out for, find me something i can hear? find me something i can smell?
    5 Monday Taste,  sweet, sour, spicy, salty, bitter, yummy
    sight, touch, taste, smell, hearing
    eyes, hands, tongue, nose, ears
    Review Review game of 20 objects, 20 objects are placed on a table, each studnet is asked to find something that the teacher asks for. a game of last man standing , all students are stood up, teacher ask questions and when the student gets it wrong he sits, the last student standing with the most correct asnwers wins.
    Tuesday Taste,  sweet, sour, spicy, salty, bitter, yummy
    sight, touch, taste, smell, hearing
    eyes, hands, tongue, nose, ears
    Review Review game of under the bridge, flash cards are placed at the end, each students takes it in turns to go under the bridge where at the end the teacher is there, the student turns over a flash card and has to say what it is. game of through the hoop , game of simon says ( put your hand on you nose, put your hand on your ears)
    Wednesday   Test Test  
    Thursday   Test Test  
    Friday   Test Test  

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